20 February, 2007

Where have I Been?

I have not posted for so long, I have writing stored up. I will try to include some of the finer points from the last 2 weeks. I went to a job fair this last week made a couple of contacts but I have not followed through with them. This is my problem in life and Golf. I have no follow through. I went last Wednesday and there were 3 companies that seemed interested. I just cannot get up the nerve to call them back.

Today I will take a paid lunch at about 10am and call the contacts. I hope that I am not too late, nor too early. I am not even sure if I should be looking for a new job, considering I just started here. Still how loyal should I be to a company that is not Loyal to me? I only have 4 months here and I will need to have a new job lined up in under 3 months.

I start to think I could be really happy here, then I remember that it will all end shortly. June really is not that far away. I will have to try to get something lined up starting today.

At the job fair I went to a workshop/conference. A career coach started her talk with; "The Days of Gold Watches are Gone" I thought well duh! I have been raised my whole life knowing that the old employment model of working for a company for 40 years then retiring is way past going the way of the dinosaur. We are almost to the point of using this employment model as fuel. What really struck me was that I had been talking to a man maybe in his early thirties that had just been let go from a position that he expected (EXPECTED!!!) to be the Job he would have for the next 30 years. He had been let go at the end of the probationary period. He apparently thought that he could argue with his boss and still keep his job. Very Strange.

I believe that if I want a gold watch I will buy my own.

So I actually did call the two leads I had. I had to leave a message for one and they other phone number lead nowhere. Oh bother! anyways it took less than 20 min and I was able to at least get something accomplished.

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