06 March, 2007

What I do at work.


Don't let my co-workers know but I actually spend much of my time doing nothing here at work. We are in a waiting mode as a department. We are waiting for the projects we need to work on to get through the previous steps. So there is not much for us to do right now. So I spend my days reading articles online and reading the news from all over the world. I shop and check on my favorite craft sites and blogs.

I found this very funny (funny because it is true) article all about "How to... get fat in five easy steps". I loved it because when I go grocery shopping I like to look to see what all the super sized Fatties have in there cart. My favorites are the ones that mill about the health food section and buy 4 bags of organic Lays potato chips and 4 boxes of organic chocolate dipped chocolate chunk cookies. Or the ones who have to go get veggies and come back with a prepackaged iceberg lettuce salad mix and say to there Husbands "It's healthy 'cause it gots carrots in it" as they throw 6 boxes of organic mac and cheese in their cart. Love those people. Now I like organic foods, it is what we live off of but "those" kind of people think it means that the bag of organic chips is good for you. Junk is Junk. Organic does not mean it was not dipped in a vat of hot oil. It just means that the oil was made with out pesticides. Those chips and cookies will still kill you. You will just die of heart disease faster instead of some weird cancer.

Full Disclosure time I guess.
I am a Fattie.
I have managed through all my choices to pack 200 pound on a 5'4" frame, and still look Smokin Hot. It takes Talent. Anyway, I made poor choices when it came to portions and to the type of food I ate. When I was a kid it was so much easier. All I did was eat what my parents gave me. The only food I would not eat was cooked Zucchini and still won't eat. I will still eat cheez-its and chocolate. But I realize through much research and experimentation that I can have a quarter of what I used to eat, or half a serving; eat it slowly to enjoy the flavor and be satisfied. I have begun to carry quart sized bags of precut -bite sized- bags of vegetables around with me so when I think I am hungry I stuff my face with carrots, broccoli, bok choy, and peas. What I have really found helpful was using a free website to determine how much of each type of food to eat as well as track my caloric intake and weigh it against the average energy need for someone my size and weight. My Pyramid and My Pyramid Tracker help to establish what types of food I should be eating and then by inputting what foods I do eat (or at least the ingredients for the meals I cook) and the portions I get a rough idea of what I need and how much is too much.

I try to eat 300 under the recommended calories, therefore I put the food I plan on eating for the day into the system so I can adjust. Also if am offered something at the office I can figure out how to fit it in.

I have also begun to ride the bus everywhere, this has increased the amount I walk a day to over a mile. I have really just started busing it as one of my friends puts it. But I changed my eating habits to include more veggies and virtually no processed foods about 3 years ago and have since dropped close to 45 pounds. Hooray for Me!!

1 comment:

woof nanny said...

First off, I am so glad you are participating in the purse challenge! I would have emailed you, but blogger has this nasty habit of notifying me that I have comments, but then don't give me the email info. Grrr.

As far as this post goes, I yo-yo with my weight, usually based on emotional issues. But I have very strong views about eating:
#1 it's all about joy. I use real butter and real sugar and if anyone is dying in the future it's from the chemical replacements. Read French Chic, or French Women don't get fat. Joy, conversation, comradrie, freshness, wonderful ripe flavors used in season. I don't want to be bogged down in fat grams or carbs or any of that. For example, I eat whole milk french vanilla yogurt with a cream top. It is delicious. The low fat and no fat substitutes are crap. They're cardboard. Why eat them? Or the other day I had whole milk mozzarella. The flavor! I'll never buy low fat again. I want REAL food, joyful food, loveliness. It is possible to be healthy and thin and still eat real food. It's all about moderation.