I customized the front cover with the WaMu Logo and my name.
The First Section is Key Points which includes my commercial, the job description, and my Big Five (the five most common questions and my answers).
Section Two is filled with question to ask the interviewers.
Section Three has all of the research articles I found on WaMu
Section Four includes all of the interview articles I have accumulated.
Finally Section Five has my supporting materials such as a map to the WaMu Center, Time Tables, and the emails I have received from WaMu.
I leave in a half-hour. I am really quite nervous, but not the panicky kind of nervous. This is the good kind; what an Opera singer might feel on opening night. I am very excited. I bet WaMu is even more excited because they will be getting the best of the bunch with me. Just call me cream and watch me float to the top.

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