21 June, 2007

New Resume, New Focus, Same doubts

I now have a new "simplified" resume. I am a little clearer on what I am looking for in a job and how much of my life I will trade for a specific amount of money. However, I am still dealing with the loss of the WaMu Deal. I keep searching the web for articles on what mediocre students can do to improve there station. There is still a little anger. (ooo... yes anger, it is a part of life, if anyone thinks that anger can be suppressed, think of the humble postal worker :) Over all though is a desire to do better than tech work. One of the greatest outcomes of The WaMu Coup is that my ego got some needed stroking. They really did like me, it was just my grade point average that caused issues.

Here is my new fantastic resume. Enjoy! I welcome constructive comments from all.

Mandelin C. Carlsen


7/04-6/06 Devry University Federal Way, WA
Bachelor of Science in Technical Management
Emphasis in Network Communications

Studied Cisco Certified Network Associate curriculum, Management, and Project Management. Lead class project groups both for in person/online classes.

Related Experience

2/07- present Clearwire, for Harvey Nash, Kirkland, WA
Commissioning Technician

Collaborate with on-site technicians to turn up and maintain microwave sites. Build configurations for switches and microwave equipment. Create and update site documentation. Combine and distribute network data to partner companies.

7/06- 1/07 Aubeta Networks Seattle, WA
Technical Support Representative

Monitored 1500+ network connections to ensure 98% network uptime; resolving issues with in 30 minutes. Configured DSL routers. Assisted end users to identify and troubleshoot network issues.

5/02- 5/03 Idaho State University Computing and Communications Pocatello, ID
Desktop Support – Weekend Operations Supervisor

Supported faculty/staff computing needs, defining and resolving issues, documenting procedure through a ticketing system. Supervised operations center and student computer lab on weekends, processing backup and server upgrades, monitored campus wide systems for stability, edited and updated operations procedure manual.

Software/Systems Skills

Operating Systems: Windows XP, Windows 2003 Server, Macintosh OS 10, Linux
Desktop Applications: Word, Excel, Visio, Access, PowerPoint, Outlook, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Open Office
Protocols: TCP/IP, SNMP, DHCP, FTP, TELNET, HTML, Frame Relay, ATM, OSPF, RIP, VTP, 802.1Q
Equipment: Cisco Router 3600/2600, Cisco Switch 2500, Foundry Switch 2402/4802

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