06 July, 2010

Health with an infant?

My company is doing this health screening thing today so no breakfast for me until it is done. But hooray for convenience.

Here are my numbers.
Triglycerides: 65 (good)
Total Cholesterol: 143 (excellent)
Glucose: 79 (good)
HDL: 57 (good)
LDL: 73 (good)
Blood Pressure: 118/82 (very good)
BMI: 43 (Morbidly obese)
Weight: 247

I like to pretend that all I care about is being "fit" but really I just want to eat candy bars and be a size 6. When I found out that I was pregnant I thought oh I will only gain 13 pounds and then it will all be gone when I have the bebe. Ha HA! I think I ended up gaining 45-50 lbs and maybe lost 10 lbs when I had the bebe. Now I have an even 100 lbs to lose 125 would be better.

Recent indicators that I have more than a weight problem and it is an issue of mind set.

  • I am scared to lose the weight because I don't want to yo-yo and I don't know what I will look like half my size.
  • After I had Saby my Mid-wife said I would need to eat more to support breastfeeding. Eat more??? what kind of advice is that? eat more of what? the extra weight I packed on sorta indicates that I was already eating too much.
  • A friend excitedly told me that she is now below her pre-pregnancy weight. She explained a bit about how much she gained and how happy she was to reach her goal. She then asked me how much I had gained during my pregnancy and I was embarrassed to say that I gained 50 lbs.
  • My Grandmother-in-law asks me if I am exercising every time I see her. Where is the time? I have a full time job, a beautiful bebe and am looking for a new job.

I suppose if I made it a priority in my life then I would get it done. Why was I embarrassed to admit what everyone can see? I think if I have to admit it to other people then I have to admit it to myself and own the weight gain.

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