16 January, 2007

Wowie!! I am joining the revolution

Saturday, January 13, 2007

So here is the story thus far:

I graduated in June, Finally!! After years of jumping around I finally settled for a degree in Network Communications. I have a bachelor's degree in a field that I abhor. Uber boring stuff here folks. Now I have taken on so much in student loans, and my parents have this idea that since I graduated in that field I feel that I should give it a try. This means that I must feign interest in Network communications so that I can try to excel at this career.

Anywho, I took a job right after graduation with a company that I had never heard of. The university sent my resume to them and I accepted an interview. Well five and a half tedious annoying months pass by. As the new year approached I decided I had had enough. I needed to find a new job and somehow make this one bearable. I decide to rededicate myself to doing the best job I can and the very next day. My manager tells me he needs to have a meeting with me. Oh this cannot be a good thing. Two months earlier the staff received an email asking for cost cutting measures because the company is operating at a 500k loss each month. Well here in the meeting with my manager and another manager. (They like to hunt in pairs ya know) Yup, I am that cost cutting measure (I made 31K). I was being laid off, no severance just an old coffee box and benefits till the end of the month (they had already paid for them).

That was January 3rd. In the last 10 days I have had the joy of filing for unemployment, no lines to stand in but the joy of having to go back to my last employers for my employment history. I shut completely shut down for 2 days. Refusing to get out of bed, I don't handle rejection well. One of the reasons I did not date in high school.

Well they story will continue as it always does. I wanted to start writing down my feelings and thought that everyone in the world needed to know as well. (I am "mildly" self-centered)

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