15 May, 2007

The Curse of the Low GPA

How many of us actually believed that having a low GPA as in under a 3.0 would prevent us from getting a great job? Well if your GPA was above a 3.0 you believed it but if it was under then you would console yourself thinking that once you are out in the world for a few years no one would care. The only problem with this comforting thought was that your had to get through the "few years". What do those "few years" look like and how long is a few? I have always argued that three was equal to a few. Reality is that there is no hard a fast definition for a few. So a few years could be anything under say 10 years (if you are lucky). As to the look of those "few years" think underpaid (based on what you think you deserve), and under challenged as in bored or stressed.

Yup, if you really want the fat paycheck and the good job right after university you have to work hard to maintain a good GPA try for a 3.8 just to be safe. Not to nerdy but obviously smart and a hard worker.

So, I have this awesome offer from WaMu; with contingencies. One of the contingencies is verifying my transcripts i.e. is your grade point average where we would like to see it. Well I must say mine is not where they want it. I have a 2.7; yes I am just average (well if you don't account for grade inflation). I am not really sure what it is I will have to do now to get the job but I am working on a defensive strategy. I have asked a few people whom I have worked with during school to write up a couple of references for me. I have found a great site that explains how to overcome objections. Now, I just have to try to anticipate what hoops they will ask me to jump trough.

The moral of the story kids: stay in school, buckle down, get good grades.

Seems I heard that from someone who I just celebrated. (Sorry Mom, I should have listened)

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