09 May, 2007

Signed Sealed & Delivered

I met with Mary on Monday to ask her all of my questions and sign my offer letter. The bad news is that they were not able to make changes to the offer. So all the research I did on how to negotiate and what to negotiate went to waste. The good news is that I will be able to re-negotiate my salary at the end of the program. This gives me a great place to start the negotiations.

Yes, I will be starting the negotiations now. One of the keys to negotiating a raise or any contract is to clearly define the benefits the employer will receive. I will need to track my accomplishments, growth areas, goals and any praise that I receive in the program. Keeping track of these things will allow me to prove that I am worth the amount I am requesting. Of all of the article I have read on negotiation I find that Suze Orman's article on Yahoo Finance is good concise,solid advice. I have read several books and articles that address the gender pay gap that inspired the Article from Suze Orman. I read, in Jean Chatzky's book Make Money, Not Excuses, that in a study of new MBA graduates those who asked for more money starting out ending up making more money at the end of ten years. Also, the majority of those that attempted to negotiate were men. That was the number one reason I even attempted to ask for more money, before I singed the WaMu deal. I realise that the way I start my career will be the tenor through out.

There were several really good articles on the web that give good advice on the topic of negotiation. I have listed a few below.

Negotiating Job Offers Guide from

The Riley Guide: Evaluating and Negotiating Job Offers (a general collection of information)

Salary Negotiation and Job Offer Tutorial

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