27 January, 2008

I may have a problem

I love Sunday; it is the end of one week and the beginning of a next. Sunday is the most relaxing day for me. The day where I clean. Yes I know that sounds really odd. There is something about getting my house tidy and in order. It is like my house is an extension of my self and as I pick this up and put that away I am clearing my mind. As I throw out this bit of trash, I am tossing a little insecurity along with it. As I vacuum up my rug I am sucking up all the little mistakes that only I noticed. (*sigh*) :)

I know this must sound like I am a little neurotic and should be taking something for it. I am fairly sure that I do not have OCD, I go through my life like Pig Pen. I work in an office job but I swear I end up with more dirt on me then when I work in the garden. My house is pretty much in utter turmoil until Sunday. I still just drop my things as soon as I hit the door. Mail is opened and tossed on my Desk chair to be dealt with later. Ahh but that is why I love Sundays, the day where I clean up from the week before.

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